To be completed for each child and youth annually

Tip: For Example, if your 10 year old son attends Kidzown and Big Sheep, tick both.

Child #1 details (option to add siblings below)

Parent/Guardian Details #1

Emergency Contact Alternative

Privacy Declaration



  • I/we give permission for the personal details provided to be given to appropriate supervisory/medical/emergency services personnel and HASPAC leaders as deemed necessary.

  • I understand the details given here will be used solely by HASPAC to care for my child and not given to any unnecessary third party.


Authorisations & Expectations

  • By completing this form, I/we hereby give permission for my child/children to attend all scheduled HASPAC activities, unless I/we explicitly advise the HASPAC leadership team otherwise.

  • I/we undertake to provide the HASPAC leaders with any new information relevant to the wellbeing of my child/children prior to them attending any & all scheduled HASPAC activities.

  • I/we understand that every effort will be made to provide a safe environment for my/our child/children. In the event of an emergency, permission is given to obtain at my/our expense, any medical services considered necessary.

  • I/we acknowledge that during HASPAC activities, appropriate photos or videos of my/our child/children may be taken by authorised personnel and may be used for an internal or external audience as outlined below unless i/we explicitly advise otherwise.

  • I/we acknowledge that being part of a community involves mutual care and consideration of others and therefore agree that unacceptable behaviour may result in my/our child/children being sent home and or being temporarily or permanently prohibited from attending a group.

  • No Alcohol, drugs or weapons are permitted onsite at anytime.  Any such items will be removed and we reserve the right to call authorities if deemed necessary.